Lead Yourself
Leadership Series David Reeson Leadership Series David Reeson

Lead Yourself

“The hardest part about being a leader is leading yourself.”

To be a good leader, you need to lead yourself first. To lead yourself, you need to have self-awareness, self-discipline, and be humble and accountable.

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Leadership Series David Reeson Leadership Series David Reeson


“Culture eats strategy for breakfast” is a well-known quote attributed to management consultant and prolific author, Peter Drucker.

A team's culture is the sum of the values, behaviors, customs, and traditions that make a team unique. It's the personality of the team.

Creating a winning culture in a work team is essential for achieving success and driving productivity. The key role of leadership is to create and model the desired culture. Here are a few key tips for building a culture that fosters success:

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Leading Change
Leadership Series David Reeson Leadership Series David Reeson

Leading Change

Well before Benjamin Franklin walked the Earth, the ancient Greek philosopher Heraclitus observed that everything was in a state of flux. In other words, the only constant is change. We are not static, but growing, changing or declining. Businesses and organisations are constantly dealing with change – in the NDIS, Practice Standards are changed or new ones released and the price guide changes regularly. In the VET sector, the training qualification is regularly updated. In construction, the building codes have been recently updated again.

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Be Problem Solvers
Leadership Series David Reeson Leadership Series David Reeson

Be Problem Solvers

Problem-solving is a crucial skill for success in many areas of life. It requires creativity, critical thinking, and the ability to find solutions to complex issues. Success in business is about solving organisational problems or the problems your client's trust you with. Developing the skills needed to be a problem solver can help you achieve your goals and overcome obstacles to your success or your business success.

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Leadership Series David Reeson Leadership Series David Reeson


Vision is a key attribute of a successful leader, especially one who leads at a senior level. All great leaders possess two things: they know where they are going, and they can persuade others to follow.

Vision unifies your people around a common goal, and helps making decision making easier.

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